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About Us

Mission Statement

Essential to Local 6000’s purpose is to afford the opportunity for state employees to master their work environment: to gain from their labors a greater measure of dignity, self-fulllment , and  self-worth .

State employees must also participate meaningfully in political and legislative action because government impacts importantly on their lives and on their communities.  If government is to be the means by which people achieve a humanitarian and equitable society, it must be a responsible and accountable government .

Therefore , Local 6000 has the duty and  the responsibility to promote real and meaningful participatory democracy through its members and their families, so that free people and their institutions may be heard in the council of government and so that officeholders are guided by principle alone.

To achieve these objectives :

  • The State of Michigan must accept union organization and collective bargaining as an essential and constructive force in our democratic society.
  • State employees must be provided a meaningful voice in maintaining a safe and healthful workplace with decent working conditions and must enjoy sacred rights, together with a satisfactory standard of living and maximum job security.
  • State employees must have a voice in their own destiny and the right to participate in making decisions that affect their lives before such decisions are made.
  • Local 6000 must play an active role at all levels of government to protect the lives and rights of its members and families.  We must work constantly on the political and legislative problems facing the whole society.
  • Local 6000 members must take seriously their responsibilities as citizens and work through their union and individually, to realize the goals of participatory democracy and responsible and accountable government.

Who We Are

On November 17, 1985, the UAW was certified as the exclusive representative for the Human Services  and Administrative Support Units employed by the State of Michigan.  Local 6000 represents approximately 15,000 members in 1200 worksites throughout the State of Michigan.  It is committed to providing quality services to the citizens of the state.  Our worksites are within Regions 1A and 1D of the UAW.

UAW Local 6000 represents workers in every Department of State of Michigan government.  We are the Nurses, Teachers, Doctors,Probation Officers, Social Workers and Secretaries.  We issue your drivers licenses, answer your 911 calls, take care of Michigan’s elderly and provide assistance to Michigan's most vulnerable citizens.  We do this with pride and dedication.  We have been beset the last few years in a tremendous struggle to maintain integrity in the services provided to you. We continue to struggle to maintain quality services to Michigan’s citizens. On these pages you will learn a little about us and the war in which we engage.

If you would like additional information you can call  1 800 243 1985.


President Kelly Barnett

Vice President Rachael Dickinson

Recording Secretary Ray Holman

Financial Secretary Treasurer Miya Williamson